The Soft-Hearted Son: A Story of Sorry and Serenity

Once upon a time, there was a soft-hearted son named Sam. Sam loved to play with his friends and have fun. But sometimes, he would accidentally break something or bump into someone, and he would feel so sorry.

One day, Sam was playing catch with his friends, and he threw the ball too hard. It hit someone's window and broke it. Sam felt so ashamed and said, "I'm sorry, I'll pay for it." The person forgave him, but Sam felt bad for a long time.

His dad saw how sad he was and decided to have a talk with him. He told Sam, "Son, sometimes things happen and it's okay to say sorry. What's important is that you learn from your mistakes and try to make it right."

Sam took his dad's advice to heart and started to be more careful when playing with his friends. He also made sure to apologize whenever he did something wrong.

Soon, Sam's friends and the people around him noticed how kind and considerate he was. They appreciated his effort to make things right and started to forgive him more easily.

Sam learned that being soft-hearted and saying sorry can go a long way in making someone's day better. And that's why he lived happily ever after, spreading joy and kindness wherever he went.


  1. Why did Sam feel sorry after breaking someone's window?
  2. What did Sam's dad tell him about apologizing and making mistakes?
  3. How did Sam's friends and people around him react to his kindness and effort to make things right?
  4. Why do you think it's important to say sorry when we do something wrong?
  5. How can being soft-hearted and apologetic bring happiness to ourselves and others?

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