The Last Tree in the City

In California, by the shining sea
Lived creatures wild and free
The great auk, with wings so wide
And the European predator, who loved to hide

The albatross, soaring high and free
A beauty for all the world to see
But some species, now extinct they lay
No longer with us, they couldn't stay

The great auk, once a mighty bird
But sadly, now only seen in words
No longer breeding, they couldn't last
An endangered species from the past

The albatross, still takes to the sky
But their future, we cannot deny
Their fate is in our human hand
To protect them, and their wondrous land

Let's learn from those who've gone before
And pledge to protect those we adore
Let's keep these species safe and sound
And cherish the beauty that we've found.


  1. How did the young girl feel about the last tree in the city being cut down?
  2. Why do you think the developers wanted to cut down the tree?
  3. How did the young girl rally her community to save the tree?
  4. What are some of the benefits of having trees in an urban environment?
  5. What can we do to protect the natural beauty of our cities and towns?

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