The Marvels of the Human Body

In your body, there's a lot going on
A complex system that keeps you strong
Your organs work hard every day
To keep you healthy in every way

Your stomach and intestines are part of digestion
Breaking down food, a vital function
It's amazing what our bodies can do
Transforming particles into something new

Your kidneys filter out the waste
Keeping your body in a healthy state
Chemicals and particles they remove
To keep your body in a groove

Oxygen is what you breathe in
A necessary gas to begin
The nervous system helps you feel
Making sure your body is always real

All of these parts work together
Like a machine, in perfect weather
Take care of your body, give it the best
And let it do the rest.


  1. What are some of the organs mentioned in the paragraph and what do they do to keep our bodies healthy?
  2. What is digestion, and which organs in the body are responsible for it?
  3. How does the nervous system help us feel and ensure our body is always real?
  4. Why is it important to take care of our bodies and give them the best?

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