Journey of the Lost Key

Inside of you, there's a wondrous machine,
A system so complex, yet it's part of your routine.
It's called the circulatory system, you see,
And it's responsible for keeping you healthy.

Your heart is the engine, pumping blood through your veins,
To all parts of your body, with no need for reins.
It's a constant flow, a never-ending race,
That keeps oxygen flowing, to every single place.

Your lungs receive air, and the carbon dioxide,
Is breathed out as waste, while oxygen is supplied.
Your digestive system, it's another great feature,
It breaks down your food, like a powerful creature.

Your stomach churns and rotates, with a gurgle and a growl,
Breaking down food, it's a digestive prowl.
The nutrients absorbed, in your body they go,
Helping you grow and thrive, from your head to your toe.

Your nervous system, it's another part of the mix,
It sends signals to your brain, like a high-speed flick.
It tells your body what to do, and when to do it too,
So you can jump, run, and play, with everything that's due.

So take care of your body, and all of its systems,
Eat well, exercise, and treat it like a prism.
For when it's healthy, you'll feel like a star,
Ready to conquer the world, and go very far!


  1. Why was finding the key so important to the little girl?
  2. How did the little girl's journey change her perception of the world around her?
  3. Why do you think the lost key brought so many different people together?
  4. What did the different characters in the story learn from each other?
  5. What do you think the little girl learned about herself during her journey to find the key?

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