The Majestic Shark: A Story of Cartilage and Patterns

In the deep blue sea,
Lived a creature so grand,
With sharp teeth and strong jaw,
Swimming all around.

The shark was his name,
With a skeleton of cartilage,
It may confuse some folks,
But it's still quite the package.

Just like a dinosaur,
This creature's been around,
With a dorsal fin on his back,
He can move without a sound.

And if you take a closer look,
You'll see a pattern in his skin,
A beautiful design of scales,
That helps him blend right in.

So if you ever see a shark,
Don't be afraid to say hello,
Just admire his majestic form,
As he gracefully swims below.


  1. What are some unique characteristics of the shark that make it different from other sea creatures?
  2. How does the shark's cartilage skeleton differ from a typical bone skeleton?
  3. What is the purpose of the dorsal fin on the shark's back?
  4. How do the patterns on the shark's skin help it to survive in its environment?
  5. Why is it important to admire and respect sharks instead of fearing them?

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