Lost in the Enchanted Forest

In our throats we have a special tool,
Called vocal cords that make us cool!
They help us talk, sing and shout,
And make different sounds, in and out!

When we speak, we use our voice,
We can change the volume, make some noise,
We can whisper, we can yell,
And our vocal cords do it so well!

And what about the pitch, you say?
That's the high or low we play!
If we pluck a guitar string just right,
It makes a pitch that's out of sight!

Our vocal cords vibrate too,
That's how we make a sound that's true,
And when we sing a song so sweet,
Our vocal cords make it a treat!

So, let's use our voices, make a sound,
And let the world hear us all around!
With our pleasant voices, we'll make a mark,
And everyone will say, "What a wonderful spark!"


  1. What would you do if you were lost in an enchanted forest?
  2. How do you think the young girl felt when she realized she was lost?
  3. What were some of the dangers the young girl faced in the forest?
  4. What qualities did the young girl possess that helped her survive in the forest?
  5. If you could enter any enchanted forest, where would you go and what would you hope to find?

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