Title: The Curious Child of Emu Village

In a village far away,
Where the emus run and play,
Lived a curious little child,
Whose wonder sometimes drove her wild.

She'd look up at the sky so blue,
And wonder why it's such a hue.
And when the ground would rumble low,
She'd feel confused and want to know.

Her mom would say "don't you worry,
It's just the earth, don't be in a hurry."
And with a warm and loving touch,
She'd calm her child who worried much.

But the curious little one still wondered,
Why the emus' feathers are so thundered.
So she went out to see for herself,
And discovered beauty like no one else.

And though her mind was still confused,
She found a warmth that couldn't be refused.
For in her heart she knew for sure,
That wonder's something to adore.


Here are a few questions that kids can think about related to "The Curious Child of Emu Village":

  1. What is the name of the curious child in the story?
  2. What is the name of the village where the child lives?
  3. What are some things that the child wonders about in the story?
  4. How does the child feel when she's confused about something?
  5. What does the child's mother do to comfort her?
  6. What does the child discover when she goes out to see the emus?
  7. Why do you think the child finds wonder to be important?
  8. Can you think of something you are curious about and would like to learn more about?
  9. How do you feel when someone helps you understand something you were confused about?
  10. What are some ways you can show someone you care about them and want to comfort them if they are worried or confused?

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