Per's Journey to Perfection

Once upon a time, there was a person named Per who lived in a small village. Per was a perfectionist and always wanted everything to be perfect. He would spend hours making sure his home was spotless, his clothes were ironed, and his hair was styled just right.

One day, Per decided to go on a journey to find the perfect place. He packed his bags and set off, walking for days and nights. Finally, after a long period of traveling, Per came across a beautiful village surrounded by lush green forests and rolling hills.

He was so pleased with what he saw that he decided to settle down in the village and make it his new home. Per spent every day working hard to make his new home even more perfect. He planted a beautiful garden, built a cozy cottage, and even made friends with the other villagers.

As time passed, Per realized that perfection is not just about having everything in its place, but it's also about being kind and helping others. He started to volunteer his time and resources to help others in the village, and soon he became known as the kindest person in the village.

Per learned that true happiness comes from being a good person and helping others, not from having everything perfect. And so, he lived the rest of his life spreading joy and kindness wherever he went, and the village was a better place because of him.

The end.


  1. What did Per learn about perfection?
  2. How did Per become known as the kindest person in the village?
  3. Why was Per happier after he started helping others?
  4. What do you think is the most important lesson that Per learned on his journey?
  5. How can you be a kind and helpful person in your own community?

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