The Magic Paintbrush

Come one, come all, gather around,
We'll talk about something that's quite profound,
It's a document that we all need to know,
It's called the Constitution, and it's not for show.

It tells us how our country is run,
And how our rights are never undone,
It's the foundation of our democracy,
And it's something that's worth discussing, you see.

We might argue and we might disagree,
But it's important to know our history,
For our country has come a long way,
And we owe it all to the Constitution, we say.

We have elections where we get to vote,
And choose the leaders who will take note,
Of what we want and what we need,
And make our lives less miserable indeed.

So let's all take a moment to discuss,
The Constitution that means so much,
And remember that we have a say,
In how our country is run every day.


Here are a few questions that could help kids think about "The Magic Paintbrush:"

  1. What did you think about the main character Ma Liang?
  2. How did the magic paintbrush help Ma Liang and other people in the story?
  3. Why do you think the emperor became so greedy and selfish?
  4. What did you think about the ending of the story?
  5. What do you think are the main lessons we can learn from this story?

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