The Power of a Compliment

In the land of make-believe,
Where everything is weird,
There lived a little girl
Who always felt confused.

She'd hesitate to speak her mind,
And often complained to herself,
Until one day, a kind word came,
A compliment from an elf.

The elf scanned her from top to toe,
And said, "You're smart and brave,
Don't panic when things go wrong,
Just try to be more like a wave."

"A wave goes up, a wave goes down,
But it never loses its ground,
And just like you, it may seem opposite,
But you're special in your way, no need to compete."

From that day on, the little girl,
Found the courage to be herself,
And whenever she felt unsure,
She'd remember the compliment from the elf.

So if you ever feel lost or blue,
Remember these words that are true,
You're amazing just the way you are,
And you don't need to be like everyone else.


  1. How did the little girl feel before she received the compliment?
  2. Who gave the little girl the compliment, and what did they say?
  3. How did the compliment help the little girl to feel more confident and less confused?
  4. Why is it important to be kind to others and give compliments?
  5. Can you think of a time when someone gave you a compliment, and how did it make you feel?

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