Lila Belle's Antique Bolt Adventure

In a land of wonder and delight,
Where magic sparkles day and night,
Lived a girl named Lila Belle,
Whose adventures were always swell.

One day she found an antique bolt,
That glimmered with a casual jolt,
It shone so bright and caught her eye,
She knew it was meant to fly.

With a diagonal leap and bound,
She held the bolt and left the ground,
Flew past hills and over trees,
Her heart racing with such ease.

As she soared through the indigo sky,
She came across a river high,
Its linen waters rushing fast,
A sight that made her hold her breath.

But then she noticed something strange,
A sign that read "Banned: Don't change",
She wondered what could be the reason,
For such a sign in this lovely season.

Suddenly she saw an ore,
Gleaming brightly on the shore,
It had a rivet on each end,
And Lila Belle knew it was a friend.

Together they flew and laughed with glee,
Exploring things they'd never seen,
Until the sun began to set,
And it was time for them to rest.

Lila Belle went back to bed,
With thoughts of all the fun she'd had,
And dreamed of all the things she'd do,
On her next adventure with her crew.


  1. What did Lila Belle discover and how did it help her go on an adventure?
  2. What did Lila Belle and her new friend, the ore, do on their adventure?
  3. Why do you think the sign said "Banned: Don't change"?
  4. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  5. If you could go on an adventure like Lila Belle, where would you go and what would you do?

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