A Journey Through Time

In a land of promise and hope,
Where dreams can grow and freedom's scope,
There stands a statue, tall and proud,
A symbol of independence, ringing loud.

With a torch held high, shining bright,
A tablet in hand, a message of might,
"Liberty for all," it boldly declares,
A promise of hope that truly cares.

Crafted by an engineer's careful hand,
A model of strength, towering grand,
Made of copper, sturdy and strong,
It stands as a testament to all that belongs.

For every child, for every man,
This statue is a beacon, a guiding plan,
A reminder that we are all free,
To dream, to hope, to truly be.

So let us honor this statue with pride,
And remember the values for which it provides,
Independence, freedom, and liberty,
Forever ringing, in our hearts so lively.


  1. What did the young woman find that allowed her to travel through time?
  2. What were some of the significant historical events that she witnessed on her journey?
  3. What do you think the young woman learned about the past and how it has influenced the present?
  4. If you could time-travel to any point in history, where would you go and why?
  5. How do you think the young woman's journey through time impacted her perspective on life?

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