The Brave Little Mouse and the Fierce Cat

In a world of creatures great and small
There are some that can make us feel small
But fear not, my dear little friend
For knowledge and warning can help you defend

The enemy may lurk in the night
But remember, it's all right to take flight
Or seek shelter in an arch or den
Where the rodent and musk can't come in

If you spy a mammal with sharp teeth
Be careful, it might carry a disease called rabies
And if you come across a burrow or hole
It may be the relative of a creature you know

So be wise and stay alert
And don't let fear make your heart hurt
For with a little knowledge and caution
You can explore the world with joy and satisfaction.


  1. How did the mouse use his intelligence to outsmart the cat?
  2. What were some of the challenges the mouse faced during his adventure?
  3. How did the mouse's bravery help him in his quest to outsmart the cat?
  4. What do you think the mouse learned about himself and his abilities throughout the story?
  5. What would you have done if you were in the mouse's situation?

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