The Busy Little Ants

In a little colony of ants,
Each one had six legs and a pair of antennae,
Working together, they never miss a chance,
To gather food and store them away.

They communicate through a special vibration,
That they feel with their feet and antennae,
They use it to send a message to the entire population,
And guide each other through the foray.

Every ant has a role to play,
In this bustling and busy species,
From the workers to the queen, each has a say,
And they work hard, never at their ease.

At times they need to release a chemical scent,
To warn the others of danger ahead,
Or to mark the way, a signal that's meant,
To guide them to their nest, a cozy bed.

So next time you see an ant or two,
Remember that they're part of a bigger crew,
Working together to make it through,
And achieving great things, that's what they do!


Here are some questions to ask kids to think about "The Busy Little Ants":

  1. What special abilities do ants have that allow them to communicate with each other and work together as a team?
  2. Why do you think it's important for ants to work together in a colony?
  3. What can we learn from the hard work and cooperation of the ants in the story?
  4. Have you ever seen an ant in real life? How does the story help you understand more about how ants live and work?
  5. How do you think the ants in the story feel about their work? Do you think they're happy doing what they do? Why or why not?

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