Journey to Justice: The Fight for Equality

Once upon a time in the South,
Where justice and equality had a long way to go,
People were separated by race,
And segregation was all they would know.

But then came leaders who inspired change,
Who fought for what was right,
And demanded the Supreme Court to allow,
For everyone to be treated with equal might.

Civil rights became an important cause,
And the fight for equality was on,
People of every race came together,
To make sure justice wasn't gone.

Now we can look back and see,
How far we've come since then,
And remember the importance of treating each other equally,
And never letting segregation happen again.


  1. How were people separated by race in the story?
  2. Who were the leaders who inspired change and fought for equality?
  3. Why was the fight for civil rights an important cause?
  4. What role did the Supreme Court play in the fight for equality?
  5. What can we learn from this story about treating each other equally and fighting against segregation?

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