The Adventure of the Lost Treasure Map

In a land so great and free,
We hold dear our history,
And every symbol we see,
Is a reminder of what we can be.

The flag with stars and stripes,
Is a federal symbol of might,
And with solemn pride we honor,
The brave soldiers who fought the fight.

They served with honor and tradition,
Their sacrifice will never be forgotten,
And in the cemetery they rest,
Their bravery forever begotten.

So let us all remember,
The men and women who gave,
Their lives to keep us safe,
Our freedom they did save.

We honor them with love and pride,
And keep their memory alive,
For their sacrifice will always be,
A reminder of what it means to be free.


  1. What did the group of friends find, and how did they discover the treasure map?
  2. What challenges did the friends face on their adventure, and how did they work together to overcome them?
  3. What was the most exciting or unexpected part of the story for you, and why?
  4. Do you think the story would have been different if the friends had not worked together or had given up when faced with obstacles?
  5. What do you think the friends learned from their adventure, and how could they apply those lessons in their daily lives?

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