Saving the Enchanted Forest

In a world so vast and wide,
There are things we must abide,
For the earth is our only home,
And we must learn to roam.

The land we live on is fertile,
And it provides for all who dwell,
But we must respect it with all our might,
And keep it safe, day and night.

The wise know that nature is precious,
And they do their best to be gracious,
For if we don't care for what's visible,
We'll end up in trouble, and it won't be divisible.

Sometimes there may be a flood,
And we may feel like we're in mud,
But if we learn to be strong and survive,
We'll come out on the other side, alive.

So let's be kind to all creatures,
And do what we can to nurture,
For the world we live in is a beautiful place,
And we must do all we can to embrace.


  1. Why was the enchanted forest important to the characters in the story?
  2. What challenges did the characters face while trying to save the forest, and how did they overcome them?
  3. What did the characters learn about nature and the importance of preserving it throughout the story?
  4. Can you think of any ways you can help protect and preserve nature in your own community?
  5. How did the characters' friendship help them in their quest to save the forest?

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