Collecting Memories and Appreciating Simple Joys

In a world full of wonder and fun
There are things to collect, one by one
From fancy trinkets to rarest gems
A world of treasures to call our friends

But sometimes it's hard to find what we seek
And we might get frustrated, feeling weak
But don't give up, keep looking around
You'll find that thing, that can be found

Just like the fancier things we adore
There are simpler joys we can explore
Like a ride on a boxcar, the wind in our hair
Or a game with friends, it's all just as rare

And while it's good to have stuff to hold
We must remember, we can't be too bold
For when we're selfish, and want it all
We risk losing what's important, and our joy might fall

So let's collect memories, and moments so grand
And share our love, across the land
In a warehouse of hope, and dreams so bright
Our world will be filled with so much light.


  1. What are some things we can collect in this world, and why do we like to collect them?
  2. What can we do if we are having a hard time finding something we want, and why is it important to keep looking?
  3. What are some simpler joys we can explore, and why are they just as rare and valuable as fancy things?

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