Managing Asthma: Tips for Children

When you have asthma, it's important to know
What triggers your wheeze, so you can be in control.
It might be dust, pollen, or even a pet,
But with an inhaler, you'll be all set.

If you feel a wheeze coming on,
Take a deep breath and stay calm.
Remember the paramedic is there to help,
And your inhaler will ease your yelp.

Sometimes another can lend a hand,
To help you through, and understand.
Don't panic, just take it slow,
And soon your wheeze will go.

So listen to your body, and take care,
Use your inhaler, and be aware.
With these tips, you'll be just fine,
And keep asthma from crossing the line.


  1. What are some common triggers of asthma mentioned in the paragraph?
  2. What should you do if you feel a wheeze coming on?
  3. What can someone else do to help you when you have asthma?
  4. What are some tips for managing asthma mentioned in the paragraph?

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