The Patient Perch: A Determined Bird's Fishing Adventure

In a peaceful pond, so blue and clear
A little bird sat, without any fear
Perched on a branch, oh so patiently
Waiting for the perfect fish, so eagerly

He had a secret, a little trick
To catch the biggest fish, oh so quick
He would wait and watch, with determined eyes
Until the fish came, to his surprise

And with a swoop and a pounce, he would dive
And catch the fish, so alive
A prize so enormous, he would be so proud
To show to his friends, oh so loud

And so the little bird would fish each day
With patience and determination, come what may
And he would catch the biggest prize of all
To his friends, he would happily call

"Look what I've caught, with my little beak
The biggest fish, I'm not a freak!"
And so the little bird was known
For his fishing skills, he had shown.


  1. What made the little bird a successful fisherman?
  2. How did the little bird feel after catching the enormous fish?
  3. What lesson can we learn from the little bird's determination and patience?
  4. What do you think the little bird's secret trick for catching fish might have been?
  5. How do you think the little bird's friends felt when they saw his big catch?

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