Goldie's Journey to Meet the God

Once upon a time, there was a goat named Goldie who lived in a small village. Goldie was a good goat, always helping others and spreading joy wherever she went.

One day, Goldie heard about a god who lived on a nearby mountain. The villagers said that this god was very powerful and could grant wishes to anyone who was good and pure of heart.

Goldie decided she wanted to meet this god and ask for a special wish. She said goodbye to her grandfather and grandmother and set out on a journey to the mountain.

Along the way, Goldie encountered a lush field of grass. She nibbled on the grass, feeling content and happy. However, she soon came across a grave and felt a wave of sadness wash over her.

Goldie realized that no matter how good she was, she could never bring back the person who was buried there. She continued her journey, thinking about the importance of cherishing every moment with her loved ones.

When Goldie finally reached the mountain, she met the god and told him about her wish. The god was impressed by Goldie's kindness and compassion, and he granted her wish.

From that day on, Goldie lived a long and happy life, always remembering the lessons she learned on her journey to meet the god. And the villagers always remembered her as the good goat who brought joy to everyone she met.


  1. What is Goldie's wish for the god?
  2. Why does Goldie feel sad when she sees the grave?
  3. Why was the god impressed by Goldie's kindness and compassion?
  4. What did Goldie learn from her journey to meet the god?
  5. How did the villagers remember Goldie after her journey?

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