The Magic of Friendship

In the world we live in, so vast and so grand,
We must take care of it, like a garden so grand.

Our planet is amazing, with geography so diverse,
Mountains, oceans, and forests, in which animals traverse.

But sadly, deforestation has hurt our land,
Taking away homes for creatures so grand.

Pollution is another thing we must avoid,
Littering and wasting, we must stop and avoid.

Our climate is changing, getting warmer each year,
Making it hard for animals to survive, oh dear!

Fossil fuels are one cause of our planet's plight,
Burning them harms our air, taking away our sight.

But we can make a difference, if we predict,
Clean energy and recycling, we can surely fix it.

And if we take care of our planet's orbit,
Our home will be healthy, for every creature to enjoy it.


  1. Who was the main character in the story, and what did she learn about the value of friendship?
  2. What was the magical creature that the girl met, and how did it help her learn this important lesson?
  3. How did the girl's actions towards the magical creature change throughout the story, and why is this important?
  4. What other characters appeared in the story, and what role did they play in helping the girl learn about friendship?
  5. How can we apply the lessons from this story to our own lives, and why is it important to be kind and value our friendships?

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