Pride and Flight: The Pheasant's Talent Show

In a forest deep and wide,
Lived a pheasant full of pride,
With colorful feathers all around,
He strutted, making no sound.

One day, a telegram came his way,
It said, "You have talent, come and play!"
The pheasant didn't know what to do,
But he knew he had to follow through.

He asked a sharpshooter for direction,
To lead him to his new destination,
The sharpshooter was kind and wise,
And gave the pheasant a surprise.

He said, "You're famous, don't you know?
Your feat of flying is quite a show!"
The pheasant was amazed and thrilled,
He knew his destiny was now fulfilled.

With a confident heart and head held high,
He took flight and soared through the sky,
And from that day on, he never stopped,
For he had finally reached the top.


  1. How did the pheasant feel when he received the telegram?
  2. Why did the pheasant ask the sharpshooter for directions?
  3. What was the surprise the sharpshooter gave the pheasant?
  4. How did the pheasant feel when he found out he was famous?
  5. What was the feat the pheasant performed that made him famous?
  6. What lesson can we learn from the story of the pheasant?

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