Fruit, Fun, and a Funny Future

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved fruit. She ate a full bowl of fruit every day and never got tired of it. She always had fun trying new kinds of fruit and making funny faces while eating them.

One day, while playing in her room, Lily noticed that her furniture was looking a bit dull. She decided to have some fun and give her room a makeover. She moved the furniture further away from the walls to create more space for playing and rearranged it in a funny way.

When she was done, Lily sat on her bed and looked around her room. She felt so happy and proud of what she had created. She started to think about her future and all the fun things she wanted to do. She dreamed of traveling to different countries and trying all kinds of exotic fruits.

From that day on, Lily never forgot the importance of having fun and using her imagination. She continued to explore new things and always looked towards the future with excitement and wonder.

The end.


  1. What is Lily's favorite food?
  2. What did Lily do to make her room look different?
  3. What did Lily dream about for her future?
  4. Why is it important to have fun and use your imagination?
  5. What can you do to make your own room more fun and exciting?

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