Saving the Garden: A Tale of Pruning, Pumpkins, and Protecting the Earth

Come children, gather 'round and hear
A poem about the things we hold dear
Transport, record, compete and create
Words that remind us it's never too late

Prune those plants with tender care
So they can grow tall and strong and fair
And when autumn comes with pumpkin delight
We'll have a harvest that's out of sight

Compost, compost, don't throw away
That leftover food, let it decay
It will protect our Earth and make it well
Returning nutrients to the soil, can't you tell?

Hobby time is also important, you know
It helps us unwind and let our creativity flow
Whether it's painting or dancing or writing a tale
It's a time for us to thrive and not to fail

And when it comes to pollinate and produce
We have to be careful and not let loose
For the bees and butterflies are so important
To keep our world green and full of enjoyment

So let's always remember, young and old
To take care of the Earth, to be brave and bold
For it's the only one we've got, that's true
And we need to preserve it for me and you.


  1. What were some of the activities the children did to take care of the garden?
  2. Why is it important to take care of the environment?
  3. What can you do to help protect the Earth?
  4. What did the children learn about the importance of pollination?
  5. Why is composting an important activity for the garden and the environment?
  6. What did you think about the story's message about protecting the Earth?
  7. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  8. Have you ever grown a garden or done any composting or pollination activities before?
  9. How do you think you can help to take care of the environment in your own life?
  10. What are some other ways we can work together to protect the Earth?

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