Title: The Tortoise and the Pretzels

Once upon a time, in a land far away
Lived a tortoise who loved to play
He'd crawl on the surface, slow and steady
But his shell was strong, and always ready

One day, he found himself in a situation
Where he needed to use his determination
Several pretzels were in his way
And he had to get through without delay

He stretched his neck and gave a push
His shell was tough, he wouldn't rush
He strengthened his legs and kept on going
Until he reached the end, without even slowing

The pretzels had resembled a tricky maze
But the tortoise was determined, he wouldn't be fazed
He learned that with patience and a bit of relaxation
He could accomplish anything, no matter the complication

So young ones, remember the story of the tortoise and the pretzel
And don't give up, even when things seem like a hassle
With a bit of determination and a shell that's strong
You can conquer any challenge, no matter how long!


  1. Who is the main character in the story and what is he like?
  2. What was the situation that the tortoise faced, and how did he handle it?
  3. What did the tortoise learn from the experience, and how did it help him?
  4. What do you think are some important qualities to have when faced with a challenge?
  5. What would you have done in the tortoise's situation, and why?

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