The Lumberjack with a Talent

In a logging camp deep in the wood
A lumberjack named Jack once stood
He had a talent for cutting trees
And he worked hard with a great ease

Jack knew how to harness his power
To chop the wood and not cower
He swung his batter with all his might
And made the logs fall out of sight

With his axe and saw in hand
Jack worked to clear the land
He would pile the logs up high
And send them off to the nearby sky

In the morning, when Jack woke
He'd cook pancakes on his griddle, smoke
The syrup he poured was oh so sweet
And it made his breakfast a special treat

Jack's griddle was forged by his own hand
With sweat and toil on his own land
He knew the secrets of the trade
And how to make the perfect griddle blade

So if you ever find yourself in the wood
And need some syrup to make breakfast good
Just remember Jack and his talent grand
And how he harnessed it with his own hand.


  1. What was the lumberjack's talent and how did he use it?
  2. How did the lumberjack make his griddle and why was it special?
  3. What did the lumberjack do with the logs he chopped down?
  4. What did the lumberjack make for breakfast and why was it delicious?
  5. How did the lumberjack's hard work pay off in the end?

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