Bella's Busy Lemonade Stand: A Lesson in Kindness

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Bella who lived in a busy city. She loved watching all the people rushing to work and all the busy businesses. One day, Bella decided she wanted to start her own business.

She thought about what she could sell, and finally came up with an idea to sell homemade lemonade. She made a sign that read "Bella's Lemonade Stand - Freshly Squeezed!" and set up shop on a busy street corner.

As people rushed by on the bus, they saw her sign and stopped to buy a cup of lemonade. Business was booming, and Bella was making more money than she ever thought possible.

But, as the day went on, Bella started to get tired. She had been so busy making lemonade and serving customers, she hadn't taken a break. She decided to take a short break and sit on the bus stop bench.

While she was sitting there, she saw a man who looked like he could use a pick-me-up. He was so busy and stressed, he looked like he needed a break. Bella offered him a cup of lemonade for free, and the man was so grateful. He told her that her lemonade had made his day, and he would buy a cup every day from now on.

Bella realized that being busy was not always about making money, but about making a difference in people's lives. From that day on, she continued to sell her lemonade, but also made sure to take breaks and spread kindness to everyone who stopped by.

And that's how Bella learned that the best way to run a successful business was not just by buying things, but by being kind and making a difference in people's lives.


  1. What was Bella's business idea?
  2. How did Bella feel about being busy at her lemonade stand?
  3. What did Bella learn about running a business?
  4. Why did Bella offer the man a free cup of lemonade?
  5. How did Bella's business change after she offered the man lemonade?
  6. What lesson did Bella learn about being busy?
  7. How can we apply what Bella learned to our own lives?

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