The Magic of Seasoning and Minerals

In the kitchen, by the stove,
Little ones watch and they are in awe,
As mummy sprinkles on seasoning,
And water boils like it's teeming.

"Mummy, what's this that you do?"
They ask with curious eyes so blue.
"I'm cooking something for us to eat,
With some minerals that are very neat."

As the pot bubbles and starts to steam,
Mummy explains just what it means,
"Water can evaporate and disappear,
But minerals and crystals stay right here."

"Salt and pepper, a little bit of spice,
Add flavor to our food that's really nice,
They dissolve in water and spread all around,
Making our meals tasty and profound."

The children listen and they understand,
How seasoning and minerals go hand in hand,
And with a smile, they help set the table,
Eager to taste what they helped create with able.

So when you cook, just like mummy does,
Remember the magic that is a must,
Seasoning, minerals, and water too,
Making meals that taste brand new.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What is seasoning and how does it make our food taste better?
  2. Why is it important to add minerals to our food?
  3. Can you name some minerals that are good for us to eat?
  4. How does water change when it boils, and what happens to the seasoning and minerals in the water?
  5. Can you think of a meal you've had that had seasoning and minerals in it? What did it taste like?

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