The Lost Treasure of the Golden City

Let's play a game, it's such a treat
We'll learn some terms that can't be beat
There's pinch-hit, shortstop, outfielder too
And don't forget the double and batting tee, woo!

In an exhibition game, we'll take the field
Our skills and teamwork will be revealed
The shortstop stands ready, so quick and spry
Ready to catch any balls flying by

The outfielder covers a lot of ground
Making sure no ball gets away, never to be found
And when the batter steps up to the plate
They'll use the batting tee to make it great

A double means running to second base
And if the ball's caught, it's an out in the race
But if we work together, we can surely win
And have a great time with a big grin

So let's grab our gloves and get in position
And show off our skills with great ambition
We'll have fun and learn a lot today
In our exhibition game, let's go out and play!


  1. What did the adventurers hope to find in the Golden City?
  2. What obstacles did the adventurers face on their journey to find the treasure?
  3. How did the adventurers work together to overcome challenges?
  4. Were there any characters who were not trustworthy?
  5. What did the adventurers learn about themselves and each other during their quest?

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