A Walk in the Wondrous Landscape

In a world of wonder and mystery,
Where landscapes stretch far and wide,
Each new generation sees
A world that can't be denied.

The trees create a canopy
Above us, as we explore,
And with permission from nature,
We can learn so much more.

Each plant and animal resemble
A part of this wondrous place,
And with each new discovery,
We see a new piece of its face.

So let's take a walk together,
And see what we can find,
For in this great, big landscape,
There's always something on our mind.


  1. What did the trees create in the story?
  2. What did the children need to do before they could explore the natural world?
  3. What did the children see and learn on their walk through the landscape?
  4. What are some ways we can show respect for the environment around us?
  5. How can we use what we learn from exploring the natural world to help protect it for future generations?

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