The Magic of Sharing: A Story of the Giving Tree

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a small village. She was always curious and loved to explore the world around her. One day, while she was playing in the woods, she stumbled upon a magical tree. The tree had a sign that read "Take an amount of fruit you need, but always leave some for others."

Lily was so excited to try the fruit and she plucked a few from the tree. As she took a bite, she felt an instant burst of energy and happiness. She decided to share the fruit with her friends and family back in the village.

As she walked back, she noticed that the amount of fruit she had picked was increasing with each step she took. She was amazed and couldn't believe her eyes. She quickly realized that the tree was a gift from the gods, and it was meant to spread joy and happiness to everyone.

Lily made sure to always leave some fruit on the tree for others to enjoy, just as the sign had instructed. She also spread the word about the magical tree and soon, the entire village was filled with happiness and laughter.

And so, Lily learned an important lesson about sharing and always leaving a little for others. She lived happily ever after, spreading joy and happiness wherever she went.


  1. Why did Lily feel an instant burst of energy and happiness after eating the fruit from the tree?

  2. What did the sign on the tree say?

  3. Why did Lily make sure to always leave some fruit on the tree for others?

  4. How did Lily spread joy and happiness in the village?

  5. What lesson did Lily learn from the magical tree?

  6. What would you have done if you were Lily?

  7. Why is it important to share and always leave some for others?

  8. Do you think there are other magical trees like this in the world? Why or why not?

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