The Nut's Journey: A Tale of Growth and Giving

Once upon a time in the forest so grand,
There lived a little nut, buried deep in the land.
With a sprout and a shoot, it grew up so tall,
A tree with a trunk, strong and proud above all.

The roots dug deep, in search of water and more,
Anchoring the tree, to the earth's very core.
With branches and leaves, it spread far and wide,
A home for the animals that in its shelter hide.

Beneath the bark, a world so alive,
A place where insects and critters thrive.
A tiny seed, nestled in the soil below,
Growing into a flower, with petals aglow.

And with the sun's warmth, the fruit ripens and grows,
A bounty of nature, for all to behold.
The tree gives us shade, and the air that we breathe,
A gift from above, that we mustn't leave.

So let's cherish the tree, with all of our might,
And protect it always, with all of our might.


  1. What did the nut grow into?
  2. What are some of the things that the tree provided for the animals and humans?
  3. What is the importance of the roots of the tree?
  4. What is the importance of cherishing nature?
  5. What can we do to protect trees and nature in our own community?

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