The Pioneer's Vow: Settling the Teeming West

Once upon a time in a land so grand,
A pioneer set out with a vow in hand,
To settle the wild and teeming west,
And find a cure for all that ailed the rest.

With ammunition and goods in tow,
He journeyed far, through sun and snow,
And on the horizon, he saw his fate,
A new life waiting to celebrate.

But first, he had to purify the land,
To make it safe and healthy and grand,
And though he mourned the losses along the way,
He knew that he was there to stay.

And so the settler worked with all his might,
To make the land a shining light,
For all who came to seek a cure,
And for those who needed something pure.

And though his journey was long and hard,
The pioneer never once lost heart,
For he knew that he had a mission true,
To make the land a better place for me and you.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about "The Pioneer's Vow":

  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What was the pioneer's mission?
  3. What challenges did the pioneer face on his journey?
  4. How did the pioneer purify the land and make it safe for settlement?
  5. What did the pioneer vow to do when he set out on his journey?
  6. Why did the pioneer mourn along the way?
  7. What lesson do you think the pioneer learned during his journey?
  8. How do you think the pioneer's efforts made the west a better place for settlers?
  9. What other stories have you read that are similar to "The Pioneer's Vow"?
  10. What other ways can we purify and make our world a better place for everyone?

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