The Hangdog's Hope: A Tale of Love and Rescue

There was a hangdog at the door,
His fur was matted, his eyes were sore,
He looked so sad, like he had no hope,
As if his heart had lost its scope.

The stench of rot hung in the air,
As if something had died in there,
But the hangdog didn't seem to care,
He just wanted a meal to share.

The leftovers were on the plate,
But the hangdog's hunger wouldn't abate,
He thought he deserved a better fate,
Than to beg for scraps at someone's gate.

But then a protector came to view,
With a heart as kind as it was true,
He saw the hangdog's need for rescue,
And knew just what he had to do.

He moved the plate and the moldy ooze,
And offered the hangdog some fresh, new food,
He gently petted the hangdog's fur,
And saw his eyes light up with a purr.

The hangdog felt his spirits rise,
And realized that love could change his guise,
He no longer felt like a pitiful ruse,
But a valued member of the world's crews.

So, remember that even when things seem dire,
There's always someone who can inspire,
To remove the rot, the stench, the mold,
And help you see the beauty in the world.


  1. How did the hangdog feel at the beginning of the story, and why?
  2. What did the protector do to help the hangdog, and how did it make the hangdog feel?
  3. How do you think the hangdog's life might be different now that he has found someone who cares for him?
  4. What do you think the hangdog learned about the power of love and kindness?
  5. How can we help animals who are in need, like the hangdog in the story?

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