The Little Boss Learns to Be Kind

Once there was a little boss,
Whose attitude was quite a loss,
Always mean and sometimes proud,
Causing trouble and being loud.

But one day something bothered him,
Something that made him feel embarrassed within,
He realized his actions weren't right,
And that being mean caused others fright.

He decided to change his ways,
And try to be kind throughout his days,
No longer making others feel small,
Or causing them to feel upset at all.

Now the boss is happy and free,
Living life with kindness and glee,
No longer angry or feeling lost,
Because he realized being nice is the real boss.


  1. Why was the little boss mean and proud at the beginning of the story?
  2. What bothered the little boss and made him feel embarrassed?
  3. How did the little boss change his ways?
  4. How did the other characters in the story react to the little boss's change in behavior?
  5. What lesson did the little boss learn?
  6. Why is it important to be kind to others?
  7. Have you ever had an experience where you were mean to someone and then regretted it? What did you do to make things right?
  8. How can you show kindness to others in your daily life?

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