The Magic of a Dream

Let's talk about music today,
And all the things we need to play.
To make beautiful sounds in our ears,
We must overcome a few fears.

First, let's get our scales just right,
Playing them up and down with might.
Then we'll move on to a melody,
Adding rhythm and tempo, quite steadily.

We'll practice every day and night,
To get our skills up to the height.
And when competition comes our way,
We'll be prepared to play, and slay!

Harmony is the key, you see,
Working together, just like a team.
Except, we all have our unique style,
Adding something special to the pile.

The nerves might get to us sometimes,
But we'll take a deep breath and unwind.
With rhythm in our hearts, we'll carry on,
Making beautiful music, from dusk till dawn.


  1. What did the young girl dream about, and how did her dreams come to life?
  2. How did the girl's dreams change the world around her, and what impact did they have on the people she encountered?
  3. How did the girl feel about her ability to make her dreams come true, and what did she learn about the power of imagination and belief?
  4. What would you dream about if you could make your dreams come true, and how would you use that power to help others?
  5. What message do you think the author was trying to convey with this story, and how does it relate to your own life?

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