The Magical Garden Adventure

In a world full of wonder and awe,
Where dreams and ambitions we draw,
There are words we must learn to know,
To help us grow and make our goals glow.

The first is "majority" - a number that's big,
A group that has power, strength and rig.
To make decisions and move forward,
They need to work together, in one accord.

Next, "confirm" - to check and ensure,
That what we think is true and pure.
To double-check before we act,
And be sure of the truth, in fact.

Then there's "representative" - one who stands,
For others, and speaks with their hands.
To voice their needs and bring about change,
And make sure their rights are not strange.

"Oath" is a promise, a vow we take,
To always do what's right, for goodness' sake.
To stand by our values and never break,
The trust of those we serve, for their sake.

"Diabetes" is a word we hear,
A condition that may cause us fear.
But with the right care, we can overcome,
And lead healthy lives, bright like the sun.

"Lawyer" is someone who knows the law,
And helps us when there's trouble and flaw.
To defend our rights, and fight for justice,
And make sure we're treated with fairness.

"Right" is a term we all should know,
To treat each other with kindness and flow.
To respect our differences and let them show,
And build a world where love can grow.

"Adviser" is one who gives advice,
To help us make the right choice.
To guide us and show us the way,
And help us live our best each day.

"Scholarship" is a gift, a chance to learn,
To help us succeed and let our dreams burn.
To open doors and pave the way,
And make our hopes and visions stay.

Lastly, "investigate" - to explore and seek,
To find answers and truths we seek.
To never give up and always be curious,
And find solutions that are victorious.

So let's remember these words we know,
And make them part of our life's show.
To grow up strong, and wise, and bold,
And make the world a better place to behold.


  1. What did you think about the magical garden that the children discovered?
  2. Which of the talking animals did you like the most, and why?
  3. What did you think about the enchanting flowers and their special powers?
  4. Were you surprised by any of the unexpected twists and turns in the story?
  5. What did you think about the way the children solved the problems they encountered on their adventure?

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