The Homework Hero

In the land of homework, where assignments abound,
A young child sat with a frown, feeling quite downed.
Her teacher had given an enormous task,
And she didn't know where to begin or even ask.

But then, she remembered a secret trick,
To help her through this assignment quick.
She asked for an extension, just one day more,
To finish her work, and then she'd be sure.

The teacher agreed, and the child felt relief,
She set to work immediately, with no more grief.
She tackled the problem with talons sharp,
And soon enough, she was finished with a start.

She proudly showed her work to the class,
And her teacher gave a nod, as if to pass.
No excuse needed, for she had done her best,
And with this victory, she felt quite blessed.

So remember, dear children, when homework looms,
And the task before you seems like a dark room,
Just ask for an extension, and tackle it with care,
And you'll finish in no time, with a smile to spare.


Here are a few questions that kids might enjoy thinking about after reading "The Homework Hero":

  1. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a homework assignment? What did you do to overcome that feeling?
  2. Why do you think the child in the story asked for an extension? Was it a good idea?
  3. How do you think the child felt when she finished her homework and showed it to the class? Have you ever felt proud like that?
  4. What do you think the poem means when it says the child tackled the problem with "talons sharp"? Why do you think the author chose that phrase?
  5. What do you think the child learned from this experience? Do you think she'll approach future homework assignments differently?

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