The Ghostly Mouse in the Haunted House

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
There lived a group of kids who loved to play.
But in the woods, there was a house,
That was said to be haunted by a ghostly mouse.

The kids were scared, but they had an option,
To either face their fears or continue with caution.
They mustered up their courage, and walked through the gate,
To investigate the house, and see if it was fate.

As they entered, they heard a shriek,
And saw a shadow that made them weak.
They ran for the door, but it was scorched,
And the ghostly mouse vanished as they marched.

They had no reason to stay and play,
So they ran back home, and lived to this day.
But they knew in their hearts, that mischief was afoot,
And they promised to return, to solve the ghostly soot.


  1. What do you think made the kids decide to investigate the haunted house despite being scared?
  2. Why do you think the ghostly mouse was haunting the house?
  3. Do you think the mouse was actually real, or was it just their imagination playing tricks on them?
  4. What might have happened if the kids had stayed in the house longer and explored more?
  5. Have you ever been scared of something, but decided to face your fears anyway? If so, what did you learn from that experience?

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