The Power of Invention: The Story of Steam, Diesel, and Pressure

Once upon a time, in days of old,
A brilliant mind with stories told,
Of power and engines, steam and fire,
Of machines that moved and never tired.

He spoke of pressure, oh so great,
And how it could cause things to shake,
But harnessed right, it could create,
A force that nothing could break.

And then he spoke of diesel too,
A liquid fuel that's strong and true,
It powers engines, big and small,
And moves them fast, through fields and halls.

But best of all, he talked of steam,
That power source of ancient dreams,
With boilers hot and engines grand,
It was the locomotive's brand.

For steam could make the engine go,
And with each turn, its power would grow,
It would expand, and push and pull,
And with great speed, it was never dull.

But heed this warning, young and bold,
For steam and pressure can be cold,
If the boiler's not cared for right,
It could explode, and bring great fright.

So listen close, and take great care,
Of these inventions, wondrous and rare,
For with their power, you can achieve,
Great feats of strength, and never leave.


Here are some questions to ask kids to help them think about the story:

  1. What is pressure, and how can it be harnessed to create power?
  2. What are some ways that diesel engines are used in our world today?
  3. What is a steam engine, and how does it work?
  4. What is a locomotive, and what role did it play in transportation history?
  5. Why is it important to take care of a boiler in a steam engine, and what can happen if it is not cared for properly?
  6. What are some other inventions that have changed the world, and how have they impacted our lives?

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