The Legend of the Brave Goalkeeper

In the lively soccer field,
With a championship to yield,
There stood a legend, oh so bold,
A goalkeeper, brave and gold.

In his uniform, bright and blue,
He guarded the net, tried and true,
With hands so quick and eyes so sharp,
No ball could pass, not even a harp.

But one day, accidentally,
A ball flew past, upsettingly,
And the goalkeeper was upset,
Feeling like he'd lost the bet.

But his team rallied around,
Lifting him up from the ground,
They reminded him he was still great,
A legend in the making, mate!

So back in the tournament they went,
With the goalkeeper, still so content,
And they won the championship, with glee,
The goalkeeper, a hero, for all to see!


  1. Who was the main character in the story?
  2. What was the goalkeeper's job in the soccer game?
  3. How did the goalkeeper feel when he accidentally let a ball pass through the net?
  4. How did the goalkeeper's team help him when he was upset?
  5. What happened to the goalkeeper and his team in the end?
  6. What qualities do you think make a good goalkeeper?
  7. Have you ever had a setback or made a mistake like the goalkeeper in the story?
  8. How did you overcome the setback and move forward?

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