Syrup, Tickle, and a Diaper Change: Turning the Icky into Something Great

Once upon a time, in a land of play,
There were some words that wanted to stay,
Together they formed a fun little tale,
So gather around and you won't fail.

Usually, breakfast was just eggs and toast,
But today, there was something to boast,
Pancakes and waffles were on the menu,
With syrup on top, oh what a venue!

Nearly everyone loved this sweet surprise,
But one little tot, had tears in their eyes,
Ugh, they said, it's too sticky and gooey,
And the smell is so strong, it's quite disturbing.

But then their sibling came to their aid,
With a tickle on the tummy, a silly charade,
A bundle of joy, laughter and fun,
And suddenly, the syrup wasn't so yuck, not one.

But wait, there's more to this little tale,
For in the corner, there was a wail,
A baby's diaper, oh what a ruin,
But with love and care, it was taken care of soon.

So let's remember, even when things go wrong,
With a little bit of love, we can all get along,
And turn the icky into something great,
For together, we can conquer any fate.


Here are some questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What did the family have for breakfast in the story? How did one of the children feel about it at first?
  2. What did the sibling do to help the child who didn't like the syrup?
  3. What happened in the story that was disturbing and yucky? How did the family take care of it?
  4. How did the family turn the yucky situation into something fun and positive?
  5. What is the message of the story, and what can we learn from it?

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