The Adventures of a Brave Little Mouse

Come gather 'round, my young friends,
I have a tale to tell,
Of words that are important,
And the things they can compel.

Support means to help someone,
To lift them up with care,
To be a friend and ally,
And show them that you're there.

Benefit means a good result,
From something that you do,
Like when you help your neighbor out,
Or share your lunch with two.

Inspire means to light a fire,
To spark a dream or goal,
To show that anything is possible,
With the right amount of soul.

Strike means to stop and protest,
Against a wrong or harm,
To stand up for what you believe,
And show that you have charm.

Persuasive means to make a case,
With arguments that ring,
To help someone see things your way,
And think about a thing.

Protect means to keep someone safe,
From harm that might come their way,
To watch over and keep them close,
And make sure they're okay.

Boycott means to say no thanks,
To something you don't agree,
To vote with your wallet and your heart,
And show your solidarity.

Organize means to work together,
With others who feel the same,
To plan and act and make a change,
And bring about some gain.

Cheat means to break the rules or laws,
And try to get ahead,
But remember that it's not the way,
To be happy or well-fed.

Migrant and immigrant are words,
For people on the move,
Who leave their homes and families,
For reasons they must prove.

Condition means the way things are,
The state of how they stand,
And we must work to make them fair,
In every way we can.

So take these words and hold them close,
And keep them in your heart,
And always strive to be your best,
In every role and part.


  1. What made the little mouse decide to embark on his journey, even though he was so small and the task seemed so difficult?
  2. How did the little mouse feel when he faced various challenges on his journey, and what did he do to overcome them?
  3. What did you think of the different animals the mouse met on his journey, and how did they help or hinder his progress?
  4. What do you think the magical cheese represents in the story, and why was it so important for the little mouse to find it?
  5. What lessons can we learn from the little mouse's courage and determination in the face of adversity, and how can we apply them to our own lives?

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