The Energetic Boy Learns to Cooperate

In the countryside, so wide and green,
There lived a boy, so fidgety and keen.
He ran a kilometer every day,
And always had so much to say.

He was sarcastic, and he was funny,
And he loved to laugh, it was never money.
He was energetic, he loved to run,
And he never stopped, it was so much fun.

But sometimes his energy was too much,
And his behavior could be quite ridiculous.
So he learned to be cooperative,
And his behavior became more positive.

He realized that every word he spoke,
Could be significant, it wasn't a joke.
So he chose his words with care,
And soon he had many friends to share.

So if you're feeling fidgety and wild,
Remember to be cooperative and mild.
And when you speak, be significant and true,
And you'll find that good things come to you.


  1. How would you describe the main character in the story?
  2. Why did the main character have trouble making friends at first?
  3. What did the main character do to become more cooperative and positive?
  4. What positive things happened to the main character once he learned to cooperate and speak more positively?
  5. How can you apply the lessons from this story to your own life and relationships?

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