The Little Boy's Poetic Triumph

Once upon a time in a land so bright,
Lived a little boy with all his might,
He was subtle in his ways so fair,
And his clothes were threadbare everywhere.

The little boy was apprehensive and shy,
But when he spoke, you could hear a sigh,
He loved to recite his favorite verse,
And it made his nervousness disperse.

But the other kids would mock and tease,
With their energetic banter with ease,
They'd trudge around and make fun of him,
And he'd retrieve inside himself so dim.

But one day, he found the courage within,
To stand up tall and to begin,
He spoke his poem with all his heart,
And everyone knew he was so smart.

The nervousness had gone away,
And the other kids had nothing to say,
For the little boy was so brave,
And he knew he could conquer and save.

So if you're feeling reluctance inside,
And your nerves are making you hide,
Remember the little boy with his verse,
And let your confidence disperse.


  1. How did the little boy feel when he was being mocked by the other kids?
  2. What did the little boy do to overcome his nervousness and recite his favorite poem?
  3. What did the other kids think of the little boy after he recited his poem?
  4. Do you think it's important to be kind to people who are different from us? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever felt reluctant or apprehensive about doing something? How did you overcome it?

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