Building a Better World: Values, Actions, and Unity

In this world of ours so great,
There are things we must contemplate.
Like fairness and justice for all,
And standing up for what we believe, standing tall.

We must learn to register to vote,
So we can have our political voice heard, note by note.
Taxes, too, are a part of life,
But we must demand that they are used to end strife.

Nonviolence is the way to be,
Even when conflicts arise, we must not resort to enmity.
Protests are a powerful tool,
But we must use them wisely, to make our point clear and cool.

Believe in yourself, and in what is right,
And you will inspire others to fight,
For a world where everyone is treated with respect and care,
Where love and compassion are always there.

So let us work together, hand in hand,
To create a world that is truly grand.
One where fairness and justice reign,
And where everyone is free from pain.


  1. What are some important values and actions that we need to think about to create a better world?
  2. Why is it important to register to vote and have our political voice heard?
  3. What are some ways that we can stand up for what we believe in, while still promoting nonviolence and respect for others?

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