The Frosty Day and the Spirit's Lair

Once upon a frosty day,
As the children went to play,
A messenger approached the group,
With a suggestion to regroup.

They followed him towards the east,
Where a wigwam stood at peace,
But little did they know,
A spirit lurked down below.

It was disturbed from its lair,
By the children’s chants and cheerful air,
And so it rose to confront,
The ones who dared to disturb its front.

But then it saw the splendor,
Of the children's faces so tender,
And the spirit’s heart was moved,
By the love the children proved.

So it severed all its fear,
And invited them to come near,
And together they all sang,
In a chorus that brightly rang.

The frosty air was now warm,
As they sang without a form,
And in the wigwam they found,
A friendship that would abound.

From that day and ever after,
The children and spirit together,
Lived in harmony and peace,
As their bond would never cease.


  1. How did the children feel when the messenger approached them with a suggestion to go towards the wigwam?
  2. What did the spirit do when it saw the children singing and chanting?
  3. Why do you think the spirit was initially disturbed by the children's presence?
  4. How did the children show kindness towards the spirit, and how did this impact the story?
  5. Do you think the spirit and the children will continue to be friends in the future? Why or why not?

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