The Crotchety Man and the Magical Meadow

In a meadow green and wide,
An annual fair did reside,
Equestrians rode with grace and pride,
Their horses in the pasture did bide.

But one old man, crotchety and gray,
Sat by the pond reflecting on his day,
He watched the mermaids swim and play,
And wished his youth hadn't slipped away.

A monstrous dragon flew overhead,
Causing the children to squirm with dread,
But the man just smiled and shook his head,
Remembering the adventures he once led.

So young ones, don't be afraid,
Of dragons or monsters that may invade,
Just embrace the magic that life has made,
And enjoy the wonders that will never fade.


Here are a few questions that kids can think about regarding the story:

  1. Who was the crotchety old man and why did he feel sad?
  2. What did the annual fair in the meadow involve?
  3. What did the man see when he sat by the pond reflecting on his life?
  4. What did the children feel when they saw the monstrous dragon fly overhead?
  5. How did the man inspire the children to enjoy the wonders of life?
  6. What other magical creatures do you think could live in the meadow?
  7. If you could ride a horse in the meadow, what color would your horse be and why?
  8. If you could be any mythical creature in the meadow, which one would you be and why?

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