The Adventures of the Brave Miner

In a land of mystery and gold,
Lived a miner, strong and bold,
Deep beneath the earth he'd lurk,
Searching for treasures, he would work.

But his task was not without a chore,
For he had to interrupt and explore,
The dark and dangerous tunnels he tread,
Hoping to find riches, it's said.

Yet despite the danger that he faced,
He always knew when to take a break,
To celebrate and dance with glee,
For rest and play is mandatory.

So when you're feeling lost and unsure,
Remember the miner and his allure,
To work hard and seek out the unknown,
But also take time to rest and have fun on your own.


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What did the miner do for a living?
  3. Why did the miner have to interrupt his work?
  4. What did the miner do to celebrate his successes?
  5. What lesson can we learn from the miner about balancing work and play?
  6. Can you think of any other professions where rest and play are mandatory?
  7. Do you think the miner was brave? Why or why not?
  8. What kind of mysterious things might the miner have encountered while working underground?
  9. If you were the miner, what kind of treasures would you hope to find?
  10. How would you feel if you had to work in dark and dangerous tunnels every day like the miner?

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